QuestionSomething is eating my plants. I live in east Texas, I have one Cobra nest hybrid and one Sarracenia Sweet Excellens. They are in the origanil pot that they came in and I have had one of them for
fertilizing cobra lily seedlings
QuestionI have some cobra lily seedlings (coastal plain variety) that are a few months old and I was wanting to fertilize them...would it hurt them to spray them with a dilute mixture of Miracid...say 3/4 or 1 tsp t
Sarracenia Leucophylla blooming twice
QuestionHi, my Sarracenia Leucophylla bloomed a few monts ago in the start of summer. Now I see that it is blooming yet again in October. Should I be concerned? For information purposes I live in zone 10. AnswerNop
Question Hey guys, I was wondering if the sulfur base fungicide is safe to use on the ceph and how I should go about applying it? I grow this plant in a african violet pot in a sunny south window
QuestionHey guys, I am doing an art project in school that will involve a topiary, (indoors) I was thinking it would be really cool to have a few carnivorous plants in the topiary, I was thinking pings and droseras,
Grow light question for dewy pine.
Question Gro light Allexperts, I went to the K-Mart the other day and I stumbled on upon this grow light. Would this grow light be enough for the Dewy Pine? In terms of light out put. &nb
Question P. primuflora Hello, I bought a P. primuflora plant from you a little over a month ago. The others butterworts I bought are doing great, but the primuflora isnt. A week or two ago, its larger, older
Questionhi my name is shane and i have a lots of plants mostly flytraps.this is my first dormancy and i am afraid of losing expensive plants like wacky ,korean melody and other plants. i dont have private back yard
QuestionHey guys, I recently purchased some live long fiber sphagnum from a vendor on ebay and it finally arrived today. I was planning on using it as a top dressing for my nepenthes, and in a little tank I use for
Question hi, Ive got a venus flytrap, and 2 sundews.(drosera capensis and the othere one i have no idea witch one it is). I live in an appartment in Belgium and was wondering if its ok if i put them at my e
drosera tracyi winter dormancy
QuestionI have a drosera tracyi that i ordered from you guys around 3 weeks ago.I live in georgia just north of atlanta. i had a question about winter dormancy of this species. i heard this plant can tolerate freezi
QuestionHi, First Id like to thank you for the help youve offered me in the past. My question this time is that I have some 60 seedlings just entering their third season in desperate need of repotting, but I cant f
Drosophyllum seedling Flowering At only 4 inches tall...???
QuestionAny ideas of why this might b occurring? Light source:few compact fluorescent bulbs 4 inches from top of plant Light exposure:around 15 hours Growing Medium:sand 1/4, peat moss 1/4, perlite 1/4, LFSM 1/4 wat
is my fluorescent light bulb to much light for my nepenthes?
Questionso I brought in my nepenthes plants from outdoors into my bedroom, which is on the westside. I want my plants to keep on growing through out fall/winter so i set up a compact fluorescent light bulb on timer.
Question My two venus Fvt bough Hi, I live in Johannesburg South Africa and I Hope you can help me. Yesterday I purchased three healthy, happy looking Vft. Theyre grown in plastic planters in sphagnum peat th
QuestionHello my question is can drosophyllum grow in peat and perlite only if yes what ratios. Also my darlingtonia is doing great so if darlingtonia which needs cool nights is growing really good can heliamphora d
n sanguinea not growing or producing pitchers ?
QuestionHello my name is Matt and I have a question about my n sanguinea orange plant. I received this plant about 2 months ago from a carnivorous plant website. It arrived looking very fresh and healthy and had abo
enquiry about nepenthusus alata
QuestionHi! I wonder if you can help me with the following My nephenthusus alata has produced a little cup but the lid hasn磘 poped off and it has been two months now. I keep it in my bedroom window sil and it gets,
QuestionHey Guys, Jason here from AZ. I have a burmanii Burmese Sundew I got from you. My question is can I do leaf cuttings to get more plants? Also, if I dont let the plant flower will it live for more than two ye
Question colorado giant i purchases a medium sized Colorado giant flytrap in May. it arrived with large healthy traps. i replanted it as directed using poor soil and was kept in full sun and always moist usin
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