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southern dewthread odd white stuff

Question Dewthread Allexperts, I got this Southern Dewthread from you guys this year. I use distilled and rainwater on this plant. It grows outside. The plant has some odd white stuff

stopping flowering

Question the plants keep flower how do i stop my spoonleaf sundew from flowering they are under 40 watt shoplights and is on for 16 hours because of my forkleaf and i dont want it to go dormant and how


QuestionQUESTION: i got my plants under artificial light 6 40 watt cool white lights i got a fork leaf there its 8 inches from the leaf can a cape sundew go there or is the lighting to bright my forkleaf looks good

Drosera Adalae Recovery

Question Drosera Adalaes Hello, I have a question about my Drosera Adalae. I had asked about this one before and you did tell me that recovery for this sometimes takes a while so maybe I am just impatient. W

Is my Cephalotus dying?

QuestionI recently got a Cephalotus plant, its a very small plant. I put it in a 7-8 inch plastic pot with the fast draining soil mix. It sits in my dorm room in a south facing window with my other carnivorous plant

Nepenthes spieces

QuestionNepenthes Hamata QUESTION: Hallo, Yeah me again. So, i bought a nepenthes without name. The pitchers are very small but i so that on the lid there are some hair. I made a research and the only nepenth

Carnivorous Plant Dormancy

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Christopher. I have several questions regarding the dormancy of my carnivorous plants. I have 1 Temperate Sarracenia, 1 normal Venus Flytrap, 2 Drosera Capensis, 1 Drosera Spathulata, 1 Nit


Questionhi my name is David I live in ohio.I have venus flytrap.I give my plant filtered water and I put my venus fly trap in peatmoss.But when I feed it the trap doesnt close?what am I doing wrong or what am I not

Wilting Pygmy Sundew

Question Nitidula x Ericksonae I ordered and received a pygmy sundew called Drosera Nitidula x Ericksonae back in June or July. Ever since I have had it, I have treated it the same as my other Drosera and the

Nepenthes Mirabilis

Question Mirabilis Hallo, I just got my Nepenthes Mirabilis. I wanted to ask which part of the plant sould be in the soil. All the brown one or only the roots and a bit more? Thank you AnswerHi Sed, Pot it

Partial light

QuestionHallo, I just bought my Nepenthes and I wanted to ask you: I did a research and I found that many spieces need partial light. I grow them in a terrarium under 2 fluorescent lights 40w. How can I provide them

Baby Cephalotus dead pitchers

Question I am growing a Cephalotus and two pitchers are dead on the plant. The other pitchers are completely healthy. I am wondering if this is normal or if its something for me to be worried about, also how

Nepenthes pest?

Questionnepenthes droplets QUESTION: Hi! I live in Omaha, Nebraska and I purchased a Nepenthes Poi Dog from you along with several other plants this summer. All were growing happily on my sunny b

Dewy pine question

Question dewy pine Allexperts, I have a question concerning a Dew Pine. I got the dewy pine from you guys. I have it growing in a 10in terra-cotta pot. I have it under 60 watts CFL l

Indoor lights for CPs

QuestionIm not able to get the 8 feet shop lights, but I will be able to get 4 foot ones. I was looking at a shop light at Lowes that holds 4 lights and each light would be 3,000 lumens. I was planning on getting tw


QuestionHallo, Whats the different between filtered and partial sun? Can we do that with fluorescence light? Thank you AnswerHello Ulrich, Filtered sunlight would be through a mesh or other shield that would refle

Breaking up a Rhizome of 4 Plants.

QuestionAllexperts, I have a question about breaking up 3 plants and repotting them. The 4 plants are Sarracenia: Bell, Tarnok, Danas Delight, and Purpurea. If I were to break these p

Sarracenia & Darlingtonia

QuestionI keep most of my Sarracenia in one bog pot. However, I have one big one that wont fit in there, so Im wondering if there is an appropriate soil mixture that would allow me to pot it in with my Darlingtonia.

Drosera Adalea follow up

Question Drosera Adalea Hello! This is my Drosera Adalea, I have had it for about 10 months, have been growing it in the standard 1/1 peat perlite or what it came in. I have been using only store bought dis

substitute or recycle Peat Moss

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I am growing a few Mexican Pinguiculas and a Drosera binata on my windowsill and under fluorescent lights in the winter. I am in Brooklyn NY. The peat moss in some pots seems a little muddy a

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