Questionok i got some roundleaf and forkleaf sundew and a nepenthes in my house in the winter time my humid in the house drops to zero will the plants survive this type of winter or is there somthing i need to do my
QuestionSix months ago I bought one of the larger species of the Cephalotus plants in a 4 pot, it only had about 4 pitchers. Now it has about 12 pitchers and their almost growing over the 4 pot. I would assume that
QuestionLast December, I bought a Judith Hindle with a flytrap in the same pot with it from you guys. It looked good when I received it from you but I wondered about putting the two plants right next to each other.
Nepenthes and Sarracenia pitchers
QuestionHallo. I would like to ask you if the pitchers of Nepenthes and Sarracenia should be full with water, half full or empty. AnswerHello Sed, It is according to whether you are talking about Sarracenias or N
QuestionHi! I live in southern Massachusetts and this summer weve gotten pretty warm temps in the 80s and 90s.So my sarracenia leucophylla has only produced the phyllodia leaves so far. Now when its just about to be
QuestionHi! I have a nepenthes x ventrata that I want to fertilize. I have made a mix of 1/4 teaspoon of high quality orchid fertilizer mixed into one gallon of distilled water. Im wondering if you can help me in ho
Question N. Hamata Hey guys! Im finally giving in and asking what may be wrong with my Hamata. Its about 8 inches from two 32watt Shop lights in a terrarium. Its first couple of pitchers grew normal. T
Repot Cephalotus(Australian Pitcher plant)
QuestionAllexperts, I have a question, whether or not you can use the standard potting soil to repot my Cephatatus (Australian Pitcher plant). Or is there a specific soil I should use for this plant? O
Drosera adelae and Drosera prolifera can they grow together
QuestionAllexperts, Hey I have a question whether or not Drosera Adelae and Drosera Prolifera can they grow together in the same pot? If I were to put the these two in the same pot would they out
Question Hallo, I bought this plant but the only thing that was written on the pot was Sarracenia. Could you maybe tell me what kind of Sarracenia this is??? Thanks AnswerYes, its a hybrid. While I c
Question greenhouse I just puchased a 1000 watt metal halide for my small 8x6 greenhouse and I had a couple concerns is that going to get to hot or too much light most of my plants are from you two and dont w
QuestionAllexpert, I have a question concerning the Heliamphora plant. What can you do if you decide not to grow the plant[Heliamphora] in a Terrarium? Can the plant grow in normal household conditions
Questionhey guys i have a poi dog and a n.ventricosa x (ramispina x sanguinea) that i got from you guys about 2 months ago i was growing them under a 25 watt cfb and recently changed to a 125 watt cfb they seem to b
QuestionHi Is it ok to use the nepenthes plant soil mix which includes fir bark in repotting some sarracenias. One is a perpuria type...I bought the nepenthes mix from cobra plants in Oregon and have Some I ne
QuestionShrinking Primrose But QUESTION: I am concerned about a primrose butterwort (Pinguicula primuliflora) that I have owned for about one year. While the plant seems healthy, it has continuously shr
QuestionQUESTION: I just purchased pinguicula primuliflora. Its now in wet peat moss. I want to repot it in the mix you recommend, but I recently read that transplanting pinguicula is almost always fatal. What is yo
QuestionHi christopher littrell my question is the leaf on a nepenthes plant once you cut the old pitcher off do the tendtil steel grow on that same leaf and make a another pitcher on that same leaf you cut of
QuestionHi! I just had a quick question about sarracenia flowers. I know the flowers are specifically designed to enhance cross-pollination. But will a flower take pollen from itself or does a flower need pollen fro
QuestionHallo, I recently bought a Nepenthes which was dying. There where 3 Nepenthes in one very small pot. I dont know what kind of Nepenthes that is because it wasnt writen on the pot, there are no cups and
QuestionI purchased a small pitcher plant at an orchid show but it did not come with a label. I have set it in a saucer and realize I must keep it wet but since the water in the clear saucer turns brown is it
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