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Pitcher Plant: Pitchers Browning at Top

Question N. Alata-1 1) Nepthene Alata 2) Some of the smaller to medium-sized pitchers on my Nepthenes have started to turn brown at the top. This is within 2 weeks of purchasing. There are several large, healthy pit

Unknown Nepenthes

QuestionUnknown Nepenthes QUESTION: Hi Jeff/Jacob, I was wondering if you might be able to identify this Nepenthes for me. It was purchased from you at the Saturday Market a few years ago and the tag was los

Fafard 3.0 Cu. Ft. Majestic Earth Peat Moss

QuestionI have not been able to find the brands of peat moss bales in my area that I have used in the past and trusted. The only brand I can find is Fafard 3.0 Cu. Ft. Majestic Earth Peat Moss sold at Lowes. Do you


QuestionHey guys, Jason from AZ here. I was wondering about how fast Reductas grow and the one I got from you is in a 3 inch pot. When should I move it to a larger pot? Thanks Jason AnswerHi Jason, Brochinnia redu

Freeze dried worms?

QuestionIve read on another carnivorous plant site, some people feed their plants freeze dried blood worms (a fish food). I also keep fish and know of this product. Theyre actually the freeze dried larva of a

my mistake

QuestionSorry i sent you a question the other day concerning two of my sarracenia that are not growing with a picture of the plant rhizomes but forget to give you details. The rhizomes are fairly firm but for

Alternative watering system for plants

QuestionI have always struggled with finding a good care system when we go on trips. I have a large collection of plants and saw this idea http://www.globalbuckets.org/ My question is do you feel the dif

is my light wrong

Questioni got 2 cool wight bulbs and 2 daylight 1 seems brighter then the other there all 40 watt t12 does this make a difference or should all the bulbs be the same and witch one should i use also i want to add a f

black dots on phyllodia

Question Black dots forming on Hi! Recently I noticed these dots forming on my sarracenia leucophyllas phyllodia leaves and a few of the pitchers. Im sure what this is, whether its a type of fungus or a pest. My pl

Winterize Venus Flytraps in Zone 4

QuestionGreetings and thanks for taking the time to answer my naive question. I have had a great deal of success in raising Nepenthes, however I have just recently tried my hand and raised a beautiful Venus Flytra

Winterize Sarracenia

QuestionGreetings and thanks for taking the time to answer my question, I live in Zone 4 (Nebraska), and am looking for advice on how to properly winterize my Sarracenia Flava. This is the first year Ive tried my


QuestionHello my name is Ernesto and I started to grow carnivourous plants such as a Venus flytrap and a Nepenthes. And I want to know what species my flytrap and my Nepenthes are and where I should grow my plants b

Plant pot sizes

QuestionI have a few 5 diameter plastic plant pots that are known as half size (approx 5 high). My question is I have planted some Dionaea muscipula in these and they are doing well. I have a few pitcher pla

Purple pitcher under-developed pitchers

Question Purple Pitcher Hi Jeff/Jacob Can you tell me what is wrong with this Purple Pitchers pitchers? It is growing in a bog of peat, perlite, sand, 18 to 24 deep. It gets about 8-9 hours of sun, more earl

Uncovering my Sarracenia?

QuestionQUESTION: I have some Sarracenia that Ive grown from seeds. Some are getting close to two inches now with around 5 pitchers each. This is the first time Ive grown these. They are in a terra

cutting dead leaves

Questionwhen should i cut off the dead leaves on my forkleaf sundew when the upper part turns black or after the steam turns black as for my spoon leaf its so packed i cant tell were dead parts are u did not give de

Natural Fires

QuestionI noticed that many Dionaea were subject to fire right before their growth season, I was wondering if the chemicals in smoke induce them to grow more vigorously at all. AnswerHi Matt, Many carnivorous plan

Soil for Nepenthes

QuestionHallo again, I m living in Austria and here is very difficult for me to find Long fiber sphagnum moss. I only found in amazon.com for 16 pounds only but the shipping charges are 40 pounds extra. I have order

Carnivorous Plants- Science Fair

QuestionHi SNW, Just had a question. I am in 10th grade, and I live in Shelton, CT, USA (USDA Zone 6). I was planning on growing the Cape Sundew plant as a science fair project, and testing if they type of bug they

cold concerns

QuestionI live in northern Illinois and last night it got down to 35 degrees! Its only September and Its only expected to warm up a little bit. If my temperate carnivorous plants go into dormancy now the

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