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white bugs

QuestionI have ordered 4 plants from this site within the past 4-5 months. 2 of these, D. capensis - Cape Sundew and D. spatulata - Spoon Leaf Sundew, Typical now have alot of small white or clearish bugs on them. I

Sick ampullaria

Question Sad amp Hey guys, So, last week, my friend and I decided to order some plants from an unnamed vendor. All of the plants came un-potted and, with the exception of two, looked rather sickly. This is especial

Cephalotus flowering

QuestionI have three pots of Cepahalotus. This year two of the pots had plants that flowered and now I have collected lots of seeds. The other plant flowered well and produced seeds last year, but there


Question the plant Hello, I think there is something wrong with my venus flytrap. Ive noticed lately several deformed traps and some new sprouting traps turning black. I am worried that I might have an a

More Pests

Question S. Oreophila Hello, this is my second question. Along with the venus flytrap, I noticed the lower part of my sarracenia oreophila pitchers were somewhat brown. Is this natural, or do I have anot

Capensis - Cape Sundew, Red Leaf

QuestionHey guys, Jason from AZ here. I am wondering how warm it gets in your greenhouse where you keep the Sundews. Im interested in trying a Cape Sundew, Red Leaf. I have a greenhouse now and the temp during the d

S. Leucophylla

Question Plant Hi guys, I have a question regarding my sarracenia leucophylla. I purchased the plant bare root earlier this spring right as it was starting to wake up from dormancy. The rhizome was quite

Pitchers not lasting long.

Question alata Hello everyone, I have noticed that the sarracenia alata I purchased this year puts up pitchers that dont seem to last long, only a couple weeks. It put up a nice healthy crop of pitchers, but t

white stuff

Question Flytrap What is this white stuff growing on my flytrap? It seems to be only growing on the side that gets less sun. There is also stuff like that growing on my nepenthes but looks like white dots AnswerBa

Reduce moss in a pot

Question D.Spatulata FRaser isl Allexperts, How is the best way to reduce moss growing in a pot that you have a young Drosera Spatulata from Fraser Island growing? Got the plant last year and repotted i

Liquid inside Sarracenia pitchers?

QuestionI have a S. leucophylla and a S. purpurea and was wondering about the water/liquid levels inside the pitchers? I read that S. purpures water in their pitchers is actually mostly rain/distilled water so does

Drosera Adalea not healthy

Question Drosera Adalea Hey Sarracenia Northwest, I have had this Drosera Adalea for about 6 months now and it was the first plant that you sent me. It started looking pretty sorry about 1 month before I left schoo

Peat moss and perlite

QuestionQUESTION: Hi Im already buy a Sarracenia Purpurea seeds and N.vikingraff Seeds I need to know is the perfect mix of sustract to growing. Im from Pueto Rico and I can find easly the peat moss and the river sa

S. Rubra trouble

QuestionDear Sarracenia Northwest, I have had a sarracenia rubra canebrake sweet pitcher plant for two years now. When the time came for me to repot the plant, the only things that all of the department

Sarracenia looking terrible

QuestionBog Garden QUESTION: Hi, Do you know whats wrong with my sarracenias? the pitchers they grow have extreamly small openings. these pitchers grow to about one inch tall and then die. (especially true

Cutting off Sarracenia traps

QuestionHi, First, Id like to thank you for the help you provided last year that carnivores would grow and enter dormancy under our mild winters here in Perth, Western Australia. I bought some and somehow managed

What kind of nepenthes ?

Question my nepenthes Dear Experts: I am growing a nepenthes. I am feeding it with fish food particles. But the problem thats bothering me is what kind of nepenthes it is? And, how can I take care of it? Ans

Do Sarracenias need space?

Question Water tray setup Hello! The situation: Its been windy here lately and my taller Sarracenias have been continually falling over. To remedy this, I decided to fit them in to a snug water tray with three of m

Sarracenia Purpurea transplanting

Question Hello, I have bought a sarracenia purpurea about 4 mounths ago. The pot was big enough. Now the pot seems tooooo small for the plant. The pitchers at the out side starting to become brown. Do you think tha

Sun Picture

QuestionHey guys, I am wondering how long the pictures last on a sun picture plant. I have mine in the same set up as your ten gallon tank with the same lights. The lights are on from 7am to 9:30pm. The pictures and

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