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rosemary bush

I purchased 3 rosemary bushes shaped in Christmas trees, but I kept them in garage. It got cold for a few days straight. I watered them but I let them get dry trying not to over water them. They have turned brown but they are not shedding leaves . Do you think they are dying or just dry or maybe got to cold ?? Do I need to wait to transplant the plants to bigger pots or wait till it gets warmer? Do I need to keep them in the garage till it gets warmer? I let them out to get some rain. Please tell me what to do with them or just wait the brown leaves out? Thank you

Put them in your tub or shower and soak through the soil.  Rosemary likes its leaves to get wet just don't let them stay wet.  If it is colder than 30 F outside keep them inside where it is warmer but keep them away from a furnace vent or anywhere hot or cold air will be blowing on them.  Every other time you water, pour the water over the plants so the leaves will get wet.  
From you description I doubt you will be able to save them but I would certainly try.   After the above treatment I would wait awhile and see what happens.  
Are the roots coming out of the drainage holes of the pots?  If after watering you carefully remove one of the plants from its pot you can examine the roots. If the pot is mostly full of roots (especially if the roots are circling in the pot) or if roots are coming out of the drainage holes then it is time to repot.  Otherwise I would wait until warmer weather.  When you do repot use a pot just a couple inches bigger and good quality potting soil.  

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