QuestionHi Leroy,
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
My issue is this, I live in NE Ohio and just bought 5 Basil plants and 2 Herb Lavender Plants ( One that flowers white and one that flowers purple) I have the basil planted in a raised bed of my patio that gets almost full sun and the lavender is planted in a flower bed that gets full sun. Other that that I don't know what to do with them. Please help
Thank you
Bought some plants and don't know what to do!
Both plants should receive morning sun first, especially the basil. Locate to receive the morning sun(east). Add a handful of powdered lime to each lavender plant once a year. Basil must be pruned every 3 weeks. Pinch off at least a pair of leaves about 1/3 from the top down. This will keep the plant healthy & bushy. Feed a liquid fish or fish/seaweed fertilizer every 3 weeks. Home depot carries the liquid fish. Apply to all plants if you wish. Keep basil moist, but not soggy and do not over water the lavender either. If it rains once a week, that's fine. Prune your lavender too. Put into pillow cases or linen drawers & pockets in clothing hanging in closets. Good luck.