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Your opinion

This is for goji juice that comes from the himalayas.Developed by Dr Earl Mindell who has phd in nutrition and is the author of the vitamin bible.This juice cleans up free radicals in 6 hours,cures crones disease,repairs cancer damaged dna,increases life expectancy and contains master polysaccarides.There are many other things also and the company that sells it is a solid company on the fastest growing 500.
the website i have that came with this purchase is


Can you take a look at the site and see the presentation and and advise me of your opinion?

There is no FDA approval because it is not a drug but a juice that comes from the goji berry that grows in the himalayas and has been used for centuries. Only now is it being developed for general use.

Thank you,

Richard Romano

I absolutely hate multi level marketing companies and their advertising campaigns.  They trump up a lot of claims of what their product does, get a lot of paid testimonials, and then sell it to the public at outrageously hyped up prices.

Every few days there's some new miracle cure for all those conditions.... and while some do make you feel better for a while (mostly because americans are so malnourished that anything healthy they start makes them feel better for a month or two then plateaus off to nothing), very few actually "cure" anything.  

This is one more in a long long long line of those types of products.  You're better off by far changing your diet to one of whole natural foods prepared in a healthy manner, bi-annual system wide detoxes and parasite cleanses, and proper supplementation in moderation.

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