I have 2 Aruba Wind Hibiscus'. I've had one about 3 years and the other about 1 year. I winter them in the house and haven't had any problems until this year.
Both of the plants were infested with aphids and white flies. I doused them both with insecticidal soap about once a week for three weeks. I think I have managed to get rid of the infestation but now the leaves are yellowed and fell or are falling off and I lost all the buds.
Can I cut the bigger plant back so it won't look so sickly?
I would just remove any yellow or dead leaves as they appear until warmer weather returns (longer daylight hours). When new growth appears again in the spring cut branches back to new leaf areas.
Water by weight. Put a saucer under the pot. Water and let the plant sit in the excess water for 5-10 minutes. After that time pour off any excess water in the saucer. Pick up or lean the pot. It should feel heavy. Don't water again until it feels considerably lighter in weight. Outdoors check the plant every few days. Indoors check it every 3-10 days. Watering frequency depends on many factors(type of plant, light exposure, temps, humidity, etc.). Plants are killed by too frequent waterings - Not from how much water you give them at one time...Soak and let dry in between waterings...
Spray mist the foliage of the plant once a week to increase humidity around the plant...
Most indoor tropical plants require you to add fertilize on a weekly to monthly basis during the growing season. Visit your local garden center (not chain store) and see what they recommend for your particular plant...
Keep your eye out for more bug problems and retreat if necessary...
Hope this helps...
Rick in southern NJ USA