Yellow balls
Bigger ball
Need help identifying these balls in the soil. We didn't use any fertilizer mixes, they are hanging out in the roots. They go from grey to yellow/ translucent and squish when you squeeze them. My plants seem to be suffering tremendously . They are different sizes.
Sorry to take so long...It's been a very busy week for me...
More than likely they are mealybug eggs...Mealybugs are whitish fuzzy little insects that attach themselves to plants and feed off them...They are very common on indoor house plants and outdoor garden plants...You didn't say whether your problem was with indoor or outdoor plants...
If indoor plants remove the plants from the pots...Then remove and destroy as many eggs as you can find...Add new soil and repot them into the pots...Water them sufficiently...Get to a local garden center and question them about using an insecticide as a soil drench...Buy a safer soap type pesticide and follow their directions for using it...Keep your eye out for adult white/pink mealybugs on the plants...Spray with a safer soap pesticide as per directions...
If outdoor plants it depends on where you are located (state, country, etc.)...I'm in southern New Jersey, USA...Fall is here and the eggs won't be hatching again until warmer weather next year...Best to treat for them next year using a soil drench and spray...
There are many many species of insects that lay their eggs into soil, so they could be something other than mealybugs...Contact your local state agricultural agency and question them about your problem...
Hope this helps...
Rick in southern NJ