QuestionHi. I have a house plant I "inherited" after my mom passed away a few years ago. It's very different. The leaves are succulent, oval (generally 2 " wide, 3" medium to darn green with purplish tinge on outer edges.
It just developed these long spikes , narrow, about 5-6 inches. No flowers. What the heck is this??
I thought India rubber plant, a house plant version my mom got years ago. After she passed away a few years ago, I repotted it. Don't do much with it, except water when bone dry.. And then I notice it sucks uop the water , and some drip from the leased!! Weird.
Any help? Joanne
There are many succulent plants similar to what you describe. It may be in the peperomia family. I cannot give you an absolute identity on the plant unless you send me pictures. You can send them through this site or you can send them to
[email protected] I can tell you the long stalks are probably young flower stalks. It can take up to a month for the flowers to develop on the stalk and frequently if the plant is not getting enough sun the flowers will never develop and the stalk will wither. If you want an identification email the pictures. Feel free to send more questions anytime. Good luck!