Plant one - photo 1
Plant one - photo 2
I received two house plants from a friend of mine that lived in Miami, Florida. I received them last February. They were both about one inch a piece and now they are huge and beautiful! I don't know what to expect from them cause I don't know what kind of plants they are!
This first plant is in the Wandering Jew family. It is a Tradescantia fluminensis
( Variegata Wandering Jew ). You can go to Google and put in Tradescantia fluminensis
( Variegata Wandering Jew ) then click on images and you will find pictures of plants very similar to yours. It appears to be in a pot with no drainage hole. It does need good drainage and to dry out well between waterings. It also loves the sun. If you need more care info feel free to write again. Good luck!