pineapple plant #1
pineapple plant #2
Dear Will Creed,
I saw your reply to Cheryl in 2007 regarding plant care for an ornamental pineapple plant. I just bought one a few days ago, and would appreciate any advice you can provide on keeping my plant happy and healthy.
Two photos are attached, one that shows the overall plant, and the other that is a close-up. In the latter photo, you can see that on the right, there seems to be a second "stalk" growing straight up from the base, and with lighter-coloured leaves. Is this a "pup"? Any special care needed?
The plant is now on my outdoor balcony in a city apartment in a tropical country in Southeast Asia, so sun and humidity are plentiful. I would like to move the plant indoors to a bright spot with some direct sun and quite a lot of indirect light. Will the plant be OK?
AnswerHi Alex,
Your pineapple has been grown outside in direct sunlight and for that reason is very healthy. The same plant could have been grown in shade and would be more suited for use indoors where light is much less intense, even in a sunny window.
The fact that yours has not been acclimated to reduced light previously does not mean you cannot grow it indoors. However, the growth rate will slow and you may lose some of the brilliant color you now have.
Indoors, provide as much direct sunlight as possible. Keep it potbound. Apply water only to the soil, not to the "vase" where the water may stagnate. The "pup" is healthy and can remain as is. In time, the "mother" plant will slowly die back and the "pup" will replace it.
I have written articles on Bromeliad and Pineapple care that I will email for free to you (or anyone else) who emails a request to me at
[email protected].
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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