unknown plant
QUESTION: Hi, I have this plant growing in my flower garden and can not find a name for it. I've searched the web with the discription but to no avail. This is the second year. I don't remember if it bloomed last year.
Can you help me please.
It is probably something simple but I just can't seem to come up with it! :p
ANSWER: Cheryl,
Plants are classified by their flower structure...You need to see the flower produced to be sure...There are too many plants (weeds & other) with similar leaves...
It looks like it may be a simple answer...The leaves look like chrysanthemum leaves...It will flower in the FALL...Send me a picture of the flower or see for yourself...
Sorry I could not be more helpful now...
Rick in southern NJ
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QUESTION: Hi Richard,
After I posted this I was looking through one of my gardening books and came across a plant with a very similar leaf structure. It was a delphinium.?? I'll have to wait and see.
I will definitely send you a picture if it flowers.
Thank you for your time. :)
ANSWER: I think you are right...
The leaves are the same and they are arranged in a whorled fashion (all are attached in a whorl group instead of alternate or opposite) just like a delphinium...
Flower ID will help you to ID it more positively...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
unknown plant
unknown plant
QUESTION: Hi Richard
Well this plant flowered after I moved it to a sunnier place.
Here is a picture of the flower
AnswerThanks for the follow-up...I can't tell from the latest pictures what the whole plant looks like with the flower stalks...Delphiniums have an elongated flower stalk with numerous flowers on it...
Have you taken a picture sample to your local garden center for them to ID it.?.