QuestionI bought a dragon tree last summer and now the tree is losing all the leaves. I have been spraying water on it almost every day, since i live in a very dry climate. I was watering it twice per month, giving an amount of 1.2 litters of water. I am also trying to make the roots get air through mixing the earth once in a while. The tree is exposed to moderate lightening, even so the sunny days where i live are very few.
When i bought it, i put it in a big pot with the hope that it would grow, but instead it is dying.
Really don't know what to do, i really don't want it to die......
Thanks a lot for your reply
This tree grows in the desert in Egypt. Stop misting it. It must be in a pot with drain holes and a drain tray or a cache pot under it. It has to dry out between waterings and be dry for several days. I believe that you may be watering it too much and before it has a chance to get dry. Remove the drain tray and set it in the sink or tub to drain. Do not disturb the soil, you are damaging fine roots that absorb water. It loves sun in an east or west window. I believe too much water is the problem, this is more of a desert tree than a swamp tree. Dry it out as quickly as possible and leave it be dry for a week then give it a half liter of water and don't water it again until it has been dry for 5 days. It will slowly grow new roots and get healthier. Good luck.