Cana Lily
QUESTION: I have a Cana Lily that I received as a gift for Mother's day in 2010 and it looks like it dieing. The leaves are turning brown. It is about 4ft tall and has about 5 stalks and has 4 more new ones poking out of the soil. I have no idea how to care for this plant other than give it water, fertilizer (except I don't know how often), and sun light. I cannot seem to find any care instructions that go into to more details than that for an indoor cana lily. Does this plant need to go outside? My preference would be to keep it inside, but I am a novice at plant care and am afraid I am killing this plant unintentionally. Thank you so much for your help! I am greatly appreciative for your time and insight.
ANSWER: Savannah,
A canna lily is a tropical bulb plant like a tulip or hyacinth. Bulb plants need dormant periods. It is telling you that it wants to rest and go to sleep. You did not say where you live so I cannot tell you if it can go outdoors in the ground where you live or not. I can't see through your window if there is snow on the ground or not. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees it should not be planted in the ground. Now that it is trying to go dormant let it dry out,dieback, cover it with a black trash bag and set it in a cool location such as an attached unheated garage or a basement but make sure it does not freeze. After 2 months start checking it every 2 weeks for signs of new growth. When you see signs of new growth take it out and put it back in a sunny location. The more sun it gets the happier it will be. When it is above 50 degrees it would be very happy outdoors. If you are interested in planting it in the ground tell me the state and city you live in and I will tell you if that is wise. Your plant will last many year and produce babies that can be potted in separate pots and given to friends. Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you very much! I would have never known that. I live in Spokane,WA, no snow currently and the temperature varies from below freezing (10-30)to mid 40's depending on the week (do you think it would survive outside in the warmer months?). Since the plant is trying to go dormant, does that mean the stalks will die? Or do I need to cut the stalks? And one last question do I need to put it in a bigger pot or will it adapt to the size that it's in...I ask because I transferred it previously from a pot a 1/4 the size of the one its in now and the plant flourished, but I always wondered if and when I needed to upgrade the pot size. Thank you again!! You have been most helpful!
Stop watering it and put it in a dark cool location and the stalks will die back naturally. When they get completely limp you can cut them off a half inch above the soil level. If you go any lower you could damage the bulb. You can plant it in the ground in the ground for the summer as soon as it starts sending out shoots. Then next fall you can just dig it up wrap it in newspaper and store it in a cool location for the winter. Or you can leave it potted, it doesn't ever need to be in a pot with a diameter larger than 14 inches since it is a bulb plant. It has a large bulb but it dos not have a lot of roots besides the bulb. Good luck.