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ceramic briad ficus

have a very small ficus in my room and waterd it the other day...3 days later is diying. leaves have faleen off and my room is vert hot, not much sun. how do i save it

Hi Vasili,

Your braided Ficus must have lots of direct natural sunlight. It sheds most of its leaves when it does not get enough light, so putting it in a sunny window is the only way to save it.

Do not repot or fertilize it. Water it as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry. That's all you have to do.

I have written an article on Ficus care that I will email for free to anyone who sends a request to me at my address below.

Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.

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Need more information? Visit my website at www.HorticulturalHelp.com
or email me at wcreed@HorticulturalHelp.com
or call me at 917-887-8601 (EDT)
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC  

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