desert rose
My desert rose bloomed recently. The first flower was
fine but the second one was distorted. The petals are curled
up and browning(see att.image) I've checked the flowers but
did not find any insects. This is not the first time the
distortion has occured.Any advice?
ANSWER: Hi Alfredo,
That is an unusual symptom. It is not a pest problem. Most likely it is an issue with your watering routine. Allowing the soil to get just a bit too dry while the bud is forming will cause such deformity. Cool temperatures below 55 degrees F. while the bud is forming will also cause this problem.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Creed,
Thanks for your great advice:) I don't think cool
temperature is the issue as I live in a tropical country
where temperature rarely goes under 20 degrees celsius.
Hence should I water the plant daily while the bud is
forming? I water it twice-thrice per week. I thought desert
roses are drought resistant?
ANSWER: Hi Alfredo,
I understand that you are seeking a very specific answer that will prevent this from ever happening again. Unfortunately, there are many plant problems that simply don't have a specific formulaic solution.
Proper watering depends on many factors including light intensity, temperature, humidity, pot size, soil porosity and root density. That means every situation is unique so I cannot tell you exactly how often you should be watering. Your Desert Rose is doing well and it flowers so you are very close to doing everything right. However, as I mentioned earlier, if the soil gets just a bit too dry in the short interval that a bud is in formation, it can cause the slight flower deformity you are seeing.
Potted plants do not lend themselves to precise watering schedules because their needs change with their environment. Several days of hot, dry weather will increase a plant's water needs compared to several days of cooler more damp weather.
It is very difficult to provide the perfect conditions that are often required to obtain perfect flowers each time. Professional greenhouses have very carefully controlled conditions, but that is not something we can do in out homes. So do you best and don't expect that all your Desert Rose flowers will come out perfectly. But do pay a bit closer attention to your watering while the buds are in formation and make sure that the soil does not get too dry. But in any case, do not make any radical changes because you are already having 99% success.
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Fuchsia Leaf
QUESTION: Thanks :) Really appreciate it:)!!! Btw my Fuchsia is
experiencing some browning/blackening spots & yellowing.
I've already trimmed off the affected parts and refrain from
wetting the leaves but the condition does not seem to
improve. I've sprayed fungicide on the plant in a frantic
attempt to save it. Any advice?
AnswerMy expertise is limited to indoor potted plants and Fuchsias are not commonly used indoors. I am reluctant to answer any questions about plants with which I have had little hands-on experience. I suggest you try one of the outdoor gardening or tropical plant question areas.