I have a Beallara Marfitch 慔oward抯 Dream?orchid which, I believe, is an Oncidium hybrid (maybe Brassia X?). The plant was in bloom when I purchased it about 17 months ago but hasn't bloomed since, though it has plenty of new growth and is a full, healthy-looking plant.
The orchid is potted in a 4" pot with small bark mix and is located in a west facing slider door along with my other orchids, phalenopsis and cattleyea, which bloom regularly in that light. At the time of purchase, the grower told me the plant was recently repotted and would not need repotting for about 2 years. I fertilize regularly, using half-strength orchid plant food with micronutrients.
Is there anything I can do to encourage blooms?
AnswerHi Sam,
Your Orchid is a hybrid of Miltonia, Brassia, Cochlioda, and Odontoglossum.
It is generally a reliable bloomer. However, it does require shorter hours of light and cooler night time temps to promote blooms. Your artificial indoor lights may be extending the hours of light so try covering it after 12 hours. Night temps should drop to 60-65 degrees F. and warm again during the day.
If you try those two things, you should have success.
Will Creed