QuestionI am getting married in July and hydrangeas are my flower for the wedding. I decided I wanted to try and pot a few to put around the church on the steps and such. I am not too much of a gardener, but I would like to give it a try. I am not looking to replant my plants into a pots and hope for growth. What is the best way to get them to grow quickly and to hopefully have a few blooms in time for July?
I am con fused by your statement, "I am not looking to replant my plants into a pots". Have you planted them in the ground or what? The only way to make them grow quickly in the ground or in pots is to water them well once a week with a water soluable fertilizer added to the water such as a generic version of Miracle Grow for blooming plants. Make sure they are in a location where they get plenty of sun. Theey are a sun loving plant. If you want the blossoms to be blue you need to keep the soil very acidic and you will have neautiful blue blossoms. If you want the blossoms to be pink you need to keep the soil very alkaline and you will have neautiful pink blossoms. Your other option would be going to Lowes or Home Depot in July and buying some hydrangeas that have just came in from a nursery in full bloom and set them in baskets that you can buy at a Goodwill store and spray paint white and they will look beautiful and cost $7-15.00 each and be in bloom then give one to each grandmother and parent after the wedding as a wonderfull gift to remember your wedding and take the rest home and plant them in your yard.
Congratulations and best wishes. If you have more questions write again. Good luck.