Chamaedorea radicalis
QUESTION: Hi Darlene. I noticed a question you answered previously about a house Palm tree that is beginning to shrivel. Well I looked up the type of Palm I have and my guess is that is comes from the Chamaedorea family. The closest that looked like my plant is the Radicalis. Well this is the second one we have gotten and it begins to grow brown at the tips and once that starts it is only a matter of time before the entire plant begins to develop the same drying at the tips. I have been watering it just as you suggested. Usually around once a week. Wetting all soil and enough in the drain and not again until the following week. Same thing happens. The one I currently have is absolutely beautiful and the main growth up the middle seems to be doing fine. The rest of the plant, the new growth is starting the drying.
I'd appreciate your help as this plant was a gift.
ANSWER: Mary Ann,
Do not leave any water in the drain tray. Use a turkey baster to empty it if you can't pick it up and empty it. It is not a swamp plant and water in the drain try causes the roots to rot. Wait 7-10 days before watering it again until the soil is dry several inces down. You can put a bamboo shishkabob skewer in the soil and leave it there. Pull it out when you think it needs watered and if it is not at leas 1/2 dry it does not need water yet. Too much water kills more palms than any other problem. In the tropicsw they grow in very sandy soil that drys out quickly. Potting soil deos not dry as fast so you have to be very careful not to water till they hve been pretty dry for a few days so the roots have a chance to breath. If you cut back on the water it will improve. Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Oh thank you. I thought I was waiting long enough but I certainly appreciate your advise. Also, I noticed after my previous question that there seemed to be quite a bit of webbing? It was on alot of the palms. I removed it all and was wondering where it is coming from. And unfortunately I had already misted the palms with water before I read your response and now I am worried I have watered too much. I thought those palms were awfully dry because they seem to be drying only on one side of the plant and I thought maybe those roots weren't getting water! Awe shucks! I won't mist them anymore. But still need answer to webbing issue.
AnswerMary Ann,
No no, it is fine to mist the fronds of a palm anytime, just don't constantly water it. Not that much water will run into the soil when you mist it and that will help the webing problem. However, for the next month mix the water with rubbing alcohol when you mist it 50/50 and make sure you mist the fronts and backs ofall the fronds at least twice a week for a month. The webs are from spider mites and misting with alcohol will kill the spider mites. Doing it twice a week for a month should get any evil baby mites that hatch from eggs. They are probably causing the brown fronds more than overwatering but you stil need to be very careful not to overwater palms. Root rot may have stressed the plant and a stressed plant attracts spider mites. Good luck.