QUESTION: I've been having problems with my mint, there has been a frequent infestation of these thick brown hair-like things that clump up together and grow on the stems and leaves of the mint, when shaken these things release brown dusty residue and also makes the soil sticky and webby. At first i had thought this was a one time parasitic thing but after a few weeks it kept coming back. What is this? And how to do I prevent this from happening again?
I am not a mushroom or fungus expert but that is what it is. I reccommend that your try to gently cut as much of it off as possible and get it out of the building so the spores don't spread. Most fungicides are poisonous and are dangerous in the air of your home. I am assuming you have this plant indoors since you came to a houseplant expert. Therefore I reccommend the same thing I have successfully used on mushrooms and molds in houseplants several times. Lysol spray, you can use the name brand or a generic. It won't hurt the air in your home and it will kill those spores. Spray the entire plant lightly making sure you get both sides of all the leaves and the stems and on the surface of the soil. Do this twice a week for 2 weeks. You may want to set the plant in a large plastic bag side ways when you spray it and hold most of the spray around it for about 1/2 hour.
After you have completed this regime watch it closely for signs of future outbreaks. Be very careful to not overwater your mint. In the picture it looks very healthy other than the fungus. If you have more questions feel free to write again. Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the prompt reply.
It's quite strange how only my mint is affected by these fungi,
the marjoram next to it seems to be immune and also there has been
no such cases of these fungi in any other of my plants.
Will the Lysol damage the plant in anyway?
Would it still be edible afterward? (with proper rinsing of course)
It won't hurt the plant as long as you keep the can 12 inches from the plant. You want the mist all over the plant not the accellerant. I would wash it well and use the veggie cleaner you can get in the produce section of most large groceries. You only need that until you have cut off the sprayed part and the plant has regrown. Obviously it is a fungi that prefers mint or perhaps it came in the soil of that plant and just hasn't spread yet to others. Stop it before it does but watch them closely. Good luck.