Hi I just bought a bonsai tree but it diddnt have a pacific name of what species of bonsai it is could you help me so i know just how to take care of it? I also have a cool looking tree plant that also didnt have a tag ,so i dont know the name of it also. Thank you so much ,Jamey
It is a Ficus palmeri or a Ficus petiolaris. They are almost the same and their care is the same. Jerry Meislik is a ficus bonsai expert. I reccommend that you study his website on the care of ficus trees ( ) and, if you can his book on ficus trees is out in paperback now and it is a wonderful book on their care. I own a number of ficus trees including one of these. To keep it a bonsai it will take a lot of pruning and it needs regular watering but shouldn't sit with standing water in the drain tray. If you have more specific questions feel free to write again. Good luck.