QuestionI had an accident with my money tree and all of the branches have broken off the trunk. :-( It is approximately 5 years old and was over 6 feet tall. If I leave the trunk potted, will new branches grow? And is there any way of making a new tree/trees from the branches?
A money tree is a Tree just like a Maple tree or an oak tree. I would keep the trunk in a very sunny location for at least 3 months before I threw it out to see if it sprouts new growth. There is a small chance it will. As far as starting a new plant from the branches, if you put them in water immediately and the leaves are still green you can try rooting hormone powder on it and inserting it in a pot of soil then tenting it with a clear plastic bag and setting it in a very sunny window to see if that induces it to grow roots. Good luck.