unidentified plant
I had a house plant given to me a few years ago and don't know what it is called. Since it has been flowering (? only since it has been pretty pot bound) it has drawn a lot of attention. The flowers are white and tulip shaped. Last year I had 6 and they looked glorious. I wnat to look after this plant but need to find out its name. thanks
It took me awhile but it is Haemanthus albiflos or 'White Blood Lily'.
The following website:
gives the following care instructions.
The exotic-looking Blood Lily is best grown in pots or indoors in all but tropical and subtropical regions. Like its relative Amaryllis, it produces big flower clusters on long stems. Plant bulbs where they are to grow and do not transplant or repot unless necessary. Water freely until blooms appear, then taper off and eventually cease watering. Fertilize established plants regularly.
If you have more questions feel free to write again. Good luck.