QuestionI have read what to do for this problem but I love my spider plants and have many. This one is covered with sticky substance which sounds like scale. What causes this problem? I would love to keep it from happening again. This plant was in my antique shop in window and is beautiful. Went to water it today and found the problem. Is it possible this is not the place for them. Hope I can save this one, but its pretty bad. Betty
AnswerHello Betty,
Yes, it certainly sounds like scale insects have attacked your spider plant. Or it could be tiny white fly whose larvae known as whitescales also exude a sticky residue. What causes this problem? I suppose the only answer I can give you is that they like the taste of the plant's sap as they will be sucking on that through the veins. I have just been out on my balcony to check my one and only spider plant, glad to say no sign of any insects of any description. I have to say that it is unusual for spider plants to suffer from any type of insect infestation as they are such hardy plants.
As you already know how to treat the problem I will skip over that.
As you say the condition of your plant is pretty bad I would be inclined to cut your losses and destroy it. But since you are obviously very much attached to it I suspect you will try very hard to save it - good luck.