QuestionI have tried every piece of advice given me on making a hoya produce flowers. I keep it dry in the winter and appropriately moist in summer; it has the perfect sun location, and yet after 10 years it has yet to bloom for me. I fertilize with a high 2nd number fertilizer during the summer. Do you have any further suggestions to jump start this lovely plant into the flowering mode?
Is it rootbound? This and many other plants bloom luxuriously when they are kept in small pots so they are rootbound. In a large pot they just seem to lay around. If it is in a large pot I suggest you try moving it into a smaller pot around the 1st of June. It does like cool in the winter. It needs at least 4 hours of actual sun during the day. Otherwise it sounds like you are doing the perfect things. Some plants are just stubborn and take longer to bloom. The following site has a lot of information also:
Good luck.