I am in the tenth grade and was getting worried about my science fair project; I was watering four JIFFY pellets with coffee and water to compare the differences, but its been 10 days, and the only results I have received is that the two coffee watered seeds (sweet marjoram and parsley) were growing a whitish-yellowish mold on them. If you could help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
You may have planted your seeds too deep. They should be planted just barely under the surface of the soil. Then they should have been watered when you planted them and then not watered again until the surface of the soil is very dry. The soil should not be constantly wet or your seeds will rot from being overwatered. The mold is because you have overwatere Good luck.
You have been keeping them too wet. Spraying The mold with Lysol spray will kill it.