QuestionI have a palm that is potted inside in a corner that gets bright light. It is doing very well. Can you tell me what kind of plant I might plant at the base of the palm? I would like to fill in that area if possible.
Thank you
Tradescantia (Wandering Jew), Cyclaman, Agave, Aloe, Kalanchoe, most Bromeliads, cactus, succulents would all fill your needs. Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) is a vine that comes in many colors from purple to a dramatic green and white striped, also a fuzzy large green leaf and probably many more that I haven't seen. The more sun they get the more colorful they are. All will get a little purple flower. The more you pinch them back the fuller they stay.
I like to keep other plants under large plants also. I do reccommend that you stop by a used book store and pick up a good houseplant book with good pictures so you can identify what you are looking for. Good luck.