QuestionQUESTION: My JC Dracenia has lost all the foliage on it's lower portions. They truned progresivelly brown and then dies. I am left with bare stalks , but good new growth on the top ( about 3 feet of bare stalk). what causes this and what can I do to bring the growth back on the lower stalks.
ANSWER: Is it possible to get a picture of it, also is it in the ground or in a pot?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Picture attached. I also have noticed yellow spots onthe leaves before they turn brown. We just re potted it a couple of days ago in the pot shown to see if we could help the problem
AnswerI am not too sure if the leafs will grow back but they should. Also, try using distilled water or rain water. I also reccomend a Miracle Product called Super-Thrive, you might be able to get it at Wal-Mart, or online. The leafs falling off are most likely caused be Salt Damage.