QuestionMy neighbor gave me this Anthurium in a 5-6" diameter pot without drain holes, but the plant was planted in withpeat moss and soil. I don't know how to water or fertilize it so I just sprinkle little water every now and then and took it outside in the morning set it indirect sun for 30-45 minutes. Now the leaves started to get brown and I don't know how to care, Please help. And I have the pictures taken , how do I send them?
AnswerHi Matthew,
Thanks for the photos. Trim off the brown portions of the leaves as they will not recover. Follow my instructions below and further browning should cease.
Keep your Anthurium indoors where it is protected from the intense outdoor light. A north or east windowsill is best.
Thoroughly water your Anthurium so that the soil and roots are saturated. The excess water will run out of the drainage holes. Then do not water again until the top half-inch of soil is dry.
Fertilize it once per month with fertilizer diluted to half strength.
Do not even consider repotting it.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
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