QuestionFrom the moment I saw my little ming I was take. So today he sits in the middle of our dinning room bringing the complete room a feeling of relaxation and strenght.
May ask you for some watering to insure I properly water and not overkill with kindness.
Thanks Will......
Vern A. Mascorro
AnswerHi Vern,
Ming aralias are one of my favorites, as well.
First, it is important that it gets enough light. It should be within a few feet of a window so that it can get very bright indirect light for most of the day with some direct sun for a few hours each day. If it does not get enough light, then the watering will not matter.
If your Ming is in the proper sized pot - the one that it came in - then you should water it thoroughly whenever the top half inch to inch is dry to the touch. If you moved it to a larger pot, then your have to be very careful to allow the soil to dry out sufficiently between waterings. Unnecessary repotting often leads to overwatering and root rot.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions. If you would like to e-mail me some photos, I may be able to provide some additional insights.
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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