QuestionI recently purchased this ivy plant and have found the leaves to dry quickly and become weak. The overall health of the plant is deteriorating despite the fact I water weekly (with either distilled water, spring water, or city water that has been out for two days), mist daily, and provide indirect medium-bright light. I have found my other ivy plants in the same condition. What am I doing wrong?
I will send a pic in a few hours.
Thanks for you time.
Inspect your ivys by holding them up in strong light and looking at the surface of the plants for webs over the plants. The webs are those of spider mites. Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and spray the entire plant with the alcohol. It will kill the spider mites on contact. Then, if possible take each plant outdoors and hang it up and give it a thorough spraying with a hose of plain water. After that take it back in and put it back in it's regular place and treat as you usually do but watch closely for signs of spider mites. If you do not find spider might you may have a fungal infection. For that I would spray daily with Lysol Spray making sure I got the tops and bottoms of all the leaves. I have found some ivys to be very touchy. Let me kow if you find spider mites or if you see any leaf discoloration which might indicate a fungal infection. Good luck.