QuestionI have a one year old schefflera which I took this time last year as a cutting and it is gorgeous! However, I am wondering what the growth pattern will be like in coming years as it consists of only one main stem. Will it be enough for a full bodied plant or do I need to add more cuttings when I put it in a larger pot?
Thank you for your help.
Some do tend to grow straight up and form trees more than shrubs. I grow bonsai trees so I like to encourage the tree growth form to a cretain point then top it and make it look like a small tree. If you want it more shrubby you can take a cutting off the top and put in the pot beside the original cutting. Chances are that will also force the original cutting to send out side shoots from it's trunk and maybe even from it's roots making it even shrubbier. Be careful not to overpot it. When you transplant any plant the new pot should be no more than 2 inches larger diameter than the old pot. Spring is the best time of year to repot, between April 1st and June 15th. Never repot in the fall or winter when plants are slowing their growth due to the shorter day length. If you have more questions feel free to write again. Good luck.