QuestionQUESTION: I thought the man at the garden center sold me a bird of paradise, but now Im not so sure.
It said Spath on the tag but he said it was labeled wrong and the plant was really a Bird of Paradise. I thought that was my lucky day, since you said a BOP would be large and help fill my living room. I even bought a second one. Here is a picture. Can you help me? I hope the picture is clear. As you can see, this plant towers over my other plants. I like the plant alot and will keep it whatever it is. The plant was $35.00.

ANSWER: Hi Mychele,
The plant in the photo is a Spathiphyllum, not a BOP. It does have unusually long leaf stems so I can understand the confusion, but it is definitely a Spath, probably a 'Supreme' or 'Sensation' variety. It will not get any taller than it is right now.
Great price!
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you Will, I appreciate your help.
Can you give me any tips to help care for this type of plant? So far Ive been smothering it with lots of sunlight and watering when the top inch or two go dry.
I do ask alot of questions,but I really depend on your advice-as you can see, my local gardener is not as experienced.
Im glad I got a good deal on the price though. I wasnt sure of the difference in value over a Spath and a BOP.
AnswerI have written an article on the care of Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) that I will email to you or anyone else who is interested. But here are the basics.
Provide lots of bright, but indirect light. Keep it tightly potted if you want it to flower. Water it thoroughly as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry or the leaves start to wilt, whichever comes first. If the soil gets too dry, it will wilt pathetically, but it will come back within several hours of a thorough watering. Fertilize it at half-strength monthly.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
If this information has been helpful, please click the Rate Volunteer bar below and enter a rating and nomination for me. I am a volunteer on this site so Ratings are the only compensation I receive for answering plant questions.
Visit my website at
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
You can E-mail me directly at:
[email protected]