QuestionHow much should I keep my green house which is for houseplants dark?
Is it necessary?
should it be done regularly?
AnswerHi Reza,
I had some difficulty understanding your question. If you found my answer unclear, please let me know what you are unclear about so that I can help you better.
Hi Reza,
One size does not fit all for houseplants. There are some that require dark nights of 12 hours at certain times of day and there are others that can do well in light 24 hours per day. Without knowing what plants you have, I cannot tell you how much darkness each plant requires.
If you have a variety of plants, then it is best to keep the lights on for 12-16 hours per day. This is suitable for the vast majority of indoor plants
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
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