I have a Dwarf Schefflera that has been growing outside in a clay pot on the patio. I live in central Florida. It receives good sun and is showing good growth. My question is could there be something wrong with this plant? I know a picture would definitely help. It is variegated and the leaves are very compact and almost curly they don't lay flat and fanned out like other schefflera I've seen. Could this be a type of species or is it mutated some how? Other then the strange leaves the plant seems very happy. Ive been trying to see if I could find a picture that resembles this schefflera but no luck. Thanks for any information and also thank-you for your other previous advice.
Jo Ann Skrbinsek
AnswerHi Jo Ann,
I usually limit myself to indoor plant questions because there are so many local variables that occur when a potted plant is outside - exposure to temperature extremes, local pests, intense light, etc.
The leaf curl may be caused by the soil getting too dry between waterings. It may also be too much light. Or it might be temps at night that are too low. That's the best I can do for you.
A photo might help, but it may not because you do keep it outside. Photos can be emailed to me at
[email protected]
Always good to hear from you, Jo Ann - even when I can't help you!
Will Creed