I have had a peace lily for the past 2 years and it looks pretty
healthy and gets new leaves regularly. However, it hasn't
bloomed at all since i bought it. I also have noticed a callus like
part on a couple of the stems. It only covers about an inch of the
stem where the stem bends/curves a little. It doesn't seem to get
larger but i've noticed new ones on other stems. I was
wondering if it meant that my plant is sick.
AnswerHi Michelle,
I am sorry to learn that you found my answer to your question lacking clarity and knowledge. I would like to help clarify any questions that remain in your mind. The purpose of this site is to get you the best possible information in a form that is clear to you. That is my aim.
Will Creed
Hi Michelle,
Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) bloom when they are ready and that can be sporadically. They bloom more frequently if they gets lots of bright indirect light all day long, are moderately potbound, and are given an occasional diluted plant food boost. Don't expect them to bloom all year long. They do need to rest sometimes.
Other factors that affect flowering include day length, temperature, and genetic variety. Some varieties of peace lily are bred more for the hardiness of their foliage, but at the expense of their flower production.
The callus that you refer to is normal and healthy. It helps strengthen the stem so that it can stay more upright.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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It is usually best not to expect flowers, but rather be pleasantly surprised when your peace lily does bloom.