QuestionI bought quite a nice rubber plant at a rummage sale this summer.
The lady I bought it from had it sitting out on her deck and said she left it there during the summers. I placed it out on my neck which faces north. It was during an extremely hot and dry period with temperatures over 100 degrees F. After a few days I noticed that some of the leaves got black and yellow splotches on them, like they had burned. I immediately moved the plant indoors. I snapped some of the damaged leaves off. Should I remove all of the damaged leaves? There are five stalks to the plant and a couple of them will be quite bare if I remove the leaves. Any suggestions? Thanks.
AnswerHi Tavia,
Damaged leaves do not recover. If they look unattractive, then you should remove them.
Yes, removing lots of leaves on a stem will leave it looking pretty sparse. The solution is to cut back those leggy-looking stems. New growth always starts at the ends of stems, so cut them back to the point where you would like to see new growth emerge.
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Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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