QuestionI have a Candy Corn plant in a 12" pot that was replanted at the end of June from a much smaller pot. It has more than doubled in size and seems to be doing very well. Right now it is outside on a patio that is covered, however I plan to bring it inside when the weather gets cooler. I don't have very much space and probably won't replant unless I have to. Is it possible to trim the plant w/o hurting it if it continues to grow? Also, will it be ok inside by a large sliding glass door that gets a fair amount of sunlight, but is covered by a balcony?
AnswerHi Erica,
Manettia inflata is often called firecracker plant, as well as candy corn plant, as the flowers look like a lit firecracker as well as candy corn.
This is a vigorously-growing vining plant that will grow very rapidly in good conditions. In fact, it can easily outgrow its space. The best way to mange excess growth is to keep it tightly potted (that will help promote flowering) and to prune it back sharply. Lots of new growth will come in to replace that which you prune off.
Manettia does best in a sunny, warm, humid place indoors. The sliding glass door could be a problem if cold drafts come through it in winter. A humidifier or a pebble tray would help raise the humidity once the heat comes on.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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