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my indoor tree is bare!!

hi there...
i have bought a new tree for my house it didnt come with any tags nor any type of name so im a little lost on the proper care for this plant. for some reason its leafs which are very narrow only about 4" max in length and it has a very slim stalk, it almost looks like a big ball at the top the stalk when its healthy and full of leafs unlike mine. i have repotted it almost 1 month ago with my normal miracle grow plant mix. i keep it next to my fountain( indoors) and spray the leafs at least 5 times a week. and its not getting any new starts, the leafs just keep dropping. someone said that i could just be in shocked from replanting it .....
i dont keep alot of sun on it just because the leafs seem to be quick drying out and falling off.
please help me bring back the beauty in this plant.
thank you very much

Hi D,

We need to get your tree identified before I can give you proper care information. Can you email a photo to me at [email protected]? Otherwise, you will have to provide a very detailed description of the tree.

Just for your information, it is almost never a good idea to repot a newly acquired plant that is trying to adjust to a new location. Repotting simply adds to the stress load.

I look forward to your reply.

Will Creed  

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