QuestionFor several years I have had a Norfolk Pine that is approx. 5 feet tall. I noticed it started to loose limbs (turned brown from the base of the trunk to the tips) about 2 1/2 feet or in the middle of the tree. Now it has lost ALL limbs from the middle of the tree to the top. Everything below that is completely healthy. No sign of bugs. Trunk has healthy 2 to 2/12 foot high "shoots" coming from the base. In other words LOTS of foliage at the base. I need to "top" the dead upper section. Is there anything special to do when topping this plant? Any thoughts, suggestions?
Thanks so much. Joan
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. My computer was affected this past week by a thunderstorm, and had to be "disk cleaned". I appreciate your question, but I ordinarily handle questions regarding African Violets. (Refer to my Bio Stats page). I want you to make an informed, educated decision about your pine. Please direct your question to someone in AllExperts that specializes in 'Trees'. I think you will come closer to getting your answer there than from the 'Houseplant' section. However, I will say that you appear to be on the right track. Being that there is some new growth on the bottom part of the pine it would be a shame to lose the entire plant. I, myself have never attempted to top a plant of this species. I certainly agree that this is what you should do. Before you do, please get at least 2 other opinions. That way you can be sure you top it correctly, and also that you take proper measures to care for the cut, and also to speed healing. I wish you much luck. I am sorry I could not help you further.