QuestionI have a few questions please. The first is about an aloe plant. It was given to me in a pot that I know is to large. However it has been in this pot for two years and seems to be doing fine. Should I repot it in a smaller pot or just let well enough alone? The second question I have is about my croton. It used to have four parts to it. The cat recently attacked it and only one part remains. It is very healthy and develops new, colorful leaves all the time. However the leaves begin about 6-7 inches up the stem. The bottom half of the stem is bare. Is there anything I can do to make the leaves grow lower? My last question is about my moth orchid. It was given to me in full bloom last June. The leaves were very small at the time and when the last bloom dropped it was suggested that I cut the spike all the way down after it dried out. I fertilize with orchid fertilizer every two weeks and it receives lots of direct sunlight from a south facing window. When should I expect to see it growing new flower spikes and blooms? Thanks so much for your time.
AnswerHi Angela,
Your Aloe is doing fine so don't change anything.
Like many plants, Crotons only produce new growth at the ends of stems. The only way to get new growth lower on a stem is by pruning that stem back to the place where you want new growth. Crotons do get leggy after a while, so pruning will be necessary at some point.
You probably have a Phalaenopsis Orchid. Typically, they bloom once per year. You seem to be on the right track with yours so you will probably get a new flower spike in the early summer. I have written an article on year-round Orchid care that I will send to you if you send a request to my email address below.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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