QuestionI received an Florest Azalea for Valentines and want to know more about its care; watering, fertilizer, light requirements. We live in Klamath Falls, OR. Can it be planted outdoors?
Thank you,
Jeannette Keen
AnswerHi Jeannette,
Your winters are too cold in Klamath Falls for a florist's Azalea, which is more tender than standard Azalea species.
Do NOT repot your V' Day Azalea. Water it thoroughly as soon as the surface of the soil feels slightly dry. Although it does not want to be in soggy soil, it does not tolerate dryness at all. Even one lapse in watering will cause a plethora of brown leaves.
Lots of bright light is also important, so place it in your sunniest window.
It will hold up better if temps are on the cool side at all times.
Florists Azaleas rarely re-bloom very well because they are hybrids. Most folks discard them after the flowers have faded. However, you can keep yours as a green foliage plant if you prune it back after flowering and provide the light, water, and temps described above.
Happy Valentine's day and please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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[email protected]
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