QuestionI have a large hibiscus that I put outside during the summer months. I have just noticed on a few of the top side of leaves some sticky sap and tiny flecks that look like dust particles. I have not found any scale on the trunk or branches, no white flies, and haven't found any aphids. I know what meally bugs look like with thier cottony substance covering thier bodies and I havent found anything like these. I haven't seen any signs of spidermite such as mottleing or yellowing of the leaves either. I'm stumped as to how to go about treating it. I had another Hib. that had the same symtoms and I think I killed it trying to save it. Before I noticed the flecks on the one I killed it had been very close to the big one that now has the same symptoms. Can you help me? Thank you. Linda Oreskovich
AnswerHi Linda,
I suspect scale. In its early stages, scale is very difficult to detect and the sticky honeydew is often the onl;y visible symptom.
I don't know what the "dust-like flecks" are. Perhaps they are dust. I would need a more detailed description or a close-up photo to be able to tell.
What treatment did you use that killed your other Hibiscus?
After I hear back from you, I can provide you with a scale treatment plan, if that seems appropriate.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
You can E-mail me directly at:
[email protected]
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