Questionmy ivy plants have black spots and yellow leaves ,, what can i do to help my plants,, they were given to me in this shape and im try to revive them,, is there hope
AnswerHi Ed,
There are different types of black spots and yellow leaves are quite common for a variety of reasons, so it is hard for me to know for sure what is happening with your ivy.
My educated guess is that you have scale insects feeding on your ivy. If the black spots are slightly raised and there is some stickiness on the leaves, then it is scale. If so, let me know and I will send you treatment instructions.
If not, please email a photo to me at my address below or provide a more detailed description of the black spots. It would also be helpful if you could describe the light and watering routine for this plant and when it was last repotted.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
You can E-mail me directly at:
[email protected]