QuestionPlease tell me the names of some plants for the house that aren't green. I am looking to add a little color into my plant variety
AnswerHi Arlene,
Please understand that variegated or colorful plants generally require more light than their all-green counterparts. In fact, most colorful plants require at least some direct sun every day.
Some of the more popular colorful foliage plants include Croton, Maranta, spider plant, Calathea, Caladium, Anthurium, Alocasia, Angelwing Begonia, zebra plant, wandering Jew, Fittonia, Neoregelia, and variegated ivy.
If you need more specific care information about any of these, let me know.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
You can E-mail me directly at:
[email protected]
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