QuestionI have a friend who has seen a plant but does not know what it is. I also have not seen or heard of a plant like it as well. It is a very slow grower. The plant hangs down from the pot and it's foilage is like little ring's joined together. You can not take one of these ring's off and start a new plant. I guess you have to wait until one falls on it's own the it can be planted to start a new plant.
I am not sure if it flower's as my friend has not seen it bloom.
I hope you can help solve this plant problem by giving me some help.
Thanks Mavis
Your pllant is not ringing any bells right now. Is there any possibility that you can take a digital picture of it and email it to me? I will keep thinking agout if for a few days and if I come up with any thing I will let you know; goodluck.