QuestionI have a large and small schefelera(I'm sure I have slottered the spelling!)
Both plants have a sticky residue on the leaves which is dripping onto my carpet. What can I do to help correct this?
They were both quite healthy looking, but now the leaves are yellowing and dropping.
I do use city water when watering them.
They both receive good light but not too much.
They are both pretty root-bound.
They get watered regularly.
Where do you live? Are you in a warm climate? Do you have a yard with a sunny patio or deck?
I'm sure that your schefflera has scale. If you look on the backsides of the leave you will find little bumps attached to the leaves. They can be brown, yellow or green. They do not move. They are sucking insects that attach themselves to the backs of the leaves and suck the sap out of the leaf. The sticky stuff that is on your carpet and the lower leaves is the excrement of the scale insects. They can be saved. I reccommend that you buy several bottles of rubbing alcolol and fill a small spray bottle. Spray the backs of all the leaves with the alcohol. It will kill the scale on contact. You will need to repeat it twice a week for several weeks.
I do suggest that you move the plants to a sunnier location. In fact, if it is warm in your area I reccommend that you place them outside in full sun. If you want the plants to grow larger this is the time of year to repot them into pots with a diameter 2 inches larger than the old pots. Let me know just how large the pots are and I will give you further info on what to do.
Scale can be a difficult bug to get rid of but it can be done. Some people would opt to just pitch the plants. If these plants are important to you I would be happy to discuss the problem with you further by phone. You can call me at 260-637-5104 if you want more info about repotting the plants and possibly about defoliating to get rid of the scale. Good luck.