I let my ficus tree (weeping fig) summer outside (with all my other house plants) and it does VERY well. I left it out a day or two too long this year and it caught a chill and lost lots of it's leaves (this I'm used to and can handle it) but it also has a slight layer of mold on the top of the soil. How can I clear this up? It is 7+ feet tall, 24" pot, warm house, full Southern exposure and generally in good health. I am partial to environmental remedies vs. chemical ones as I have small children in a small house but any advice is appreciated. Thank you ,Cara
AnswerHi Cara,
From your description, you obviously know how to care for your Ficus tree. I am also in full agreement with sparing our environment, as well as our children and pets, the unnecessary use of pesticides and fungicides.
The mold spores entered the surface of the soil when your tree was outside. The warmth of your home has created a favorable environment for their growth. The mold is not hazardous to your tree, but I am sure you would like to eliminate it anyway.
The best treatment is to scrape off and discard all of the mold and the loose soil on the surface of the rootball. The aim is to eliminate not only the visible mold, but also the invisible spores. You will probably have to repeat this a number of times before you successfully eradicate all of the spores. Allowing the top inch or two of soil to get dry in between waterings will also help.
This is a low-tech treatment that is safe and effective if you are persistent.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any additional questions.
Will Creed, Interior Landscaper
Horticultural Help, NYC
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[email protected]
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